The visual analysis of surface cracks plays an essential role in tunnel maintenance when assessing the condition of a tunnel. To identify patterns of cracks, which endanger the structural integrity of its concrete surface, analysts need an integrated solution for visual analysis of geometric and multivariate data to decide if issuing a repair project is necessary. The primary contribution of this work is a design study, supporting tunnel crack analysis by tightly integrating geometric and attribute views to allow users a holistic visual analysis of geometric representations and multivariate attributes. Our secondary contribution is Visual Analytics and Rendering, a methodological approach which addresses challenges and recurring design questions in integrated systems. We evaluated the tunnel crack analysis solution in informal feedback sessions with experts from tunnel maintenance and surveying. We substantiated the derived methodology by providing guidelines and linking it to examples from the literature.
3d Create Visual Components Crack
The detection and documentation of cracks in the concrete surface of a tunnel are essential for assessing its condition. These cracks comprise a 3D polyline and several multivariate attribute values, such as length, width, orientation, and moisture. Tasks of analysts are, for instance, to identify patterns which endanger the structural integrity of the tunnel surface or assess the density of cracks along the tunnel and identify critical sections. Accomplishing such tasks and evaluating if a repair project is necessary typically requires the visual analysis of detailed geometric data and multivariate attributes simultaneously.
The primary contribution of this paper is a design study for visual analysis of tunnel cracks in the context of tunnel maintenance. Abstracting from the specific problem domain of tunnel crack analysis we identified a general problem space emerging from the combination of geometric and attribute views, including obstacles and recurring design questions. Therefore, as a secondary contribution, we present VISAR (Visual Analytics and Rendering), a methodology to support system designers in creating integrated solutions that combine geometric and attribute data.
In the following section, we provide details on a tunnel maintenance scenario and the intricacies of tunnel crack data. We follow with a discussion of the problem space of combining geometric and attribute views and identify potential obstacles impeding an interactive visual analysis of the surface cracks.
Tory and Möller [33] distinguish between data types where the spatialization is given and where it is chosen. To visualize each facet of our data effectively, we decided to visualize the geometric representation in a 3D real-time rendering view, which we refer to as the geometric view. The attributes of each crack are visualized in views with chosen spatialization, such as scatter plots, parallel coordinates, and histograms, which we denote as attribute views. Coordinating these views by linking & brushing already allows analysts to utilize interactive visual analysis and discover phenomena that may not be apparent in a single view visualization [17].
Elmqvist and Tsigas [8] define three visual perception tasks. In this context, we denote brushed cracks as part of the focus while the remaining cracks and the tunnel geometry are part of the context [14]. Applying their abstraction to our use case, the visual perception tasks can be described as follows:
The situation depicted in Fig. 2 illustrates that cracks in focus can easily fail the visual perception tasks, due to occlusion or being positioned outside the view frustum. Our visual analysis tool must integrate geometric and attribute views as such that users are able to perform their specific tasks, while preventing the visual perception tasks from failing. Based on this conclusion, we derived the following design goals:
Visual discrimination: different visual variables are manipulated to emphasize the differences between peek-brushed, brushed, and context cracks. a Three different widths are used, while cracks in focus have a superimposed glow. b Using different widths and colors, blue, red, and yellow-green for peek brushed, brushed, and others. c Color is used for attribute mapping, while visual discrimination is only conveyed by width and glow.
The geometric view provides an interactive rendering of the geometric representations of cracks and the tunnel surface. It allows users to interactively navigate the scene and to assess the spatial extent and distribution of the cracks. We visualize the tunnel cracks using a line shader with screen-space scaling, so each polyline maintains a certain pixel width, regardless of the distance to the viewer. Brushed and peek-brushed cracks (cracks in focus) are highlighted in red and blue (Fig. 4b), respectively, while the color of context cracks is yellow-green. To further ensure their visibility, brushed and peek-brushed cracks are rendered with a higher pixel width than context cracks. We further use a separated Gaussian blur filter to create a glow effect [10] (Fig. 4a), which we superimpose onto the cracks in focus. This also preserves visual discrimination of focus and context if color is used to encode attribute values (Fig. 4c).
Our experts use the attribute views to get an overview of the multivariate part of their data. They either brush a single crack and seek to inspect its spatial representation (access), or they brush multiple cracks and are interested in their spatial distribution (spatial relation). In both cases, due to occlusion or cracks being outside of the current view frustum, this requires manual 3D navigation which is tedious and can lead to disorientation. To alleviate this and meet design goal G2 we provide guided navigation techniques to ensure that all cracks in focus are inside the view frustum (Sect. 4.3.1). We use a virtual X-ray technique [8] and a visual abstraction [28] to counteract occlusion (Sect. 4.3.2).
Visual abstraction In some sections of the tunnel, the cracks occur in a high density. Viewing these sections from an overview position, the display is easily cluttered and it becomes difficult for users to distinguish between individual cracks. To counteract this, we replace the polyline of a crack with a point sprite if a certain distance threshold is reached. This levels-of-detail approach, or more generally levels-of-abstraction [28], reduces visual clutter and allows users to identify individual crack positions (discovery) and their color (partial access). Consequently, using point sprites as visual abstractions also meets design goals G3 and G4.
For the distance computation, we use a normalized Euclidean distance metric between a crack and the focal point with equally weighted components. Users can select the attributes they want to incorporate into the similarity computation. The focal point can be locally updated by specifying values on the axes of the scatter plot or the axes of the PCP. The respective coordinates of the focal point are represented by green lines. In the geometric view, users can perform a global update by selecting a crack as the focal point resulting in a green highlight.
We conducted informal feedback sessions for confirming the usefulness of the developed tunnel-crack analysis tool. We interviewed four domain experts: two of whom are from the field of tunnel maintenance (A) and monitoring (B), whereas the others are from the fields of urban planning (C), and disaster management (D). Experts A and B were already familiar with using a 3D tunnel visualization for exploration of geometric data. Since multivariate analysis is mostly conducted in a paper-based, non-interactive form, they were eager to specify arbitrary selection criteria in the PCP and the scatter plot and successively refined them.
When investigating multiple cracks, experts A and B found the overview and detail transitions very helpful. All experts found the localization of focus cracks and the localization transition essential for exploring the geometric view based on attribute criteria. Further, all experts deemed the overview viewpoint and the visual abstractions valuable, since many of their tasks involve the assessment of spatial distribution. Expert C explicitly complimented the implementation of user-specified overview viewpoints. He suggested to add a list for the management of multiple overview viewpoints.
Integrated solutions, which are tailored to a specific use case, typically focus on the analysis of a certain data entity: flooded buildings in disaster management [25], buildings [11] and lines-of-sight [22] in urban planning, illuminated surfaces [30] in interior lighting design, or tunnel cracks in the presented scenario. We generalize these entities as \(e = (g,a)\), where g is the geometric spatial representation and \(a=(a_1,\ldots ,a_n)\) is the attribute vector of length n. Analogous to the tunnel cracks, entities of the form e are subject to the problem space described in Sect. 3.3, since g may lie outside the current view frustum or may be occluded by other geometry in the scene. Although concrete tasks and actual design decisions depend on the specific use case, it is essential that an integrated approach allows the accomplishment of all visual perception tasks.
The VISAR framework is divided into two layers: the mirroring layer and the integration layer. The mirroring layer contains simple coordinations, such as Selection, Peek Selection, and Color. The components of the integration layer are concerned with more complex coordinations that facilitate the visual perception tasks (see Sect. 3.3): Guided Navigation, Visual Encoding, and Similarity-Based Analysis.
The integration layer is concerned with the coordination between geometric and attribute views and its components explicitly address the discussed problem space to facilitate the visual perception tasks. Through literature review and generalization of the implementations discussed in Sect. 4, we derived the components guided navigation, enhanced geometric rendering, and similarity-based analysis for the integration layer. We will elaborate on each component and its sub-components adhering to the following structure: purpose of the component, design goals of its subcomponents, design choices, and comparison to the literature. 2ff7e9595c